CS-151 Labs

Lab 0. Setup

Due: Sunday, September 18, by 10:00 PM.

For this course we are using the Computer Science Lab in King 201. The lab has desktop machines for you to use, and you can do all of your work for this course on these machines. The machines run Ubuntu - an open-source distribution of Linux operating system.

The goal of this lab is to learn how to use the lab environment. Towards this goal you will perform the following tasks:

Before you go on with the lab, make sure that you are ready for the course and have completed all the tasks from the following checklist:

Once you are done with all these setup tasks, move to the next step.

First Login

Sit down at one of the lab machines and jiggle the mouse to see if it is running. If not, the power button is at the bottom of the right side of the monitor frame; it will take a minute to boot up. The system will ask for your (Oberlin) username. It will then ask for your password. You have been assigned a temporary password of oberlin@123. This password has already expired so as soon as you log in, you have to change your password. The system will ask for your current password – that is oberlin@123. It will then ask to enter a new password and ask you to repeat your new password (as a guard against typos).

Once you logged in, open the web browser (Mozilla Firefox, located in the upper left corner of the screen) and navigate to the Lab0 web page at https://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~mbarsky/classes/cs-151/f2022/labs/lab0/.

General Lab Workflow

Each lab in this course starts with a warmup. During the warmup you are allowed (and encouraged) to work in pairs. Openly discuss the tasks with your peers and with the instructor. Warmup tasks are graded not on correctness, but on participation. They are designed to help you with the main part of the lab.

After warmup you work on several programming assignments. This should be your individual work, but we are here to help if you get stuck.

In this course we will be using Eclipse IDE (Integrated Programming Environment) to write Java programs. All the code you write for the main part of each lab should be stored in a single folder and be a part of a single Eclipse project.

You are provided with the following starter files:

By the end of this lab you would need to submit a single zipped project folder named lab0.zip. The folder should include the following files:

Let’s warm up!