CS-151 Labs

Lab 5. Simply A-Maze-ing! Stack and Queue

Due 10:00 pm, Sunday, November 6

In this lab you will use the power of a stack and a queue to explore and find your way through a maze. After this lab you should be able to:

This lab has many different pieces that all need to work together. Most pieces are small, but it may take some additional patience on your part. Just chug along and the end will show itself in due time!

You may work with a partner on this assignment—both during and after the lab session.

We provide you with the following Java files that you do not need to change:

You will need to modify the following starter file and include it with your submission:

You will need to create and submit the following files:

All the starter code, including some sample mazes can be found here. Download the archive, unzip it and later import the java files into your lab5 Eclipse project.