CS-151 Labs > Lab 7. Tree Map

7.1. AVL Trees

First you’ll be completing an implementation of TreeMap called MyTreeMap. Most of the implementation is already provided for you, but there are a few things you still need to finish. MyTreeMap is just an AVL tree in disguise, where the nodes in the tree contain key–-value pairs. You place items in the tree, ordered by their key, and this key has an associated value tagging along with it. Now, the key can be any reference type, and so can the value. Therefore, our MyTreeMap class will be parameterized by not one but two generic types: K for the key, and V for the value.

The methods you have to implement are listed below. You should peruse the class to see how it is implemented; it is not the same as the binary tree lab (Lab 6). In particular, a TreeMap contains a (key, value) pair, and a reference to its left and right subtrees (which are also TreeMaps). An empty TreeMap is one for which its left and right subtrees are null; a leaf TreeMap is one for which its left and right subtrees are non-null, but are themselves empty TreeMaps. You can explore this further by looking at the provided constructors.

Note that the generic type K of the key implements the Comparable interface, and therefore, you can (and should!) use the compareTo() method to determine whether two keys are equal or to determine their order.

private V get(K searchKey)
Return the current mapping of the given key, that is, the value associated with the provided searchKey.

If no mapping exists, return null.

We have already included the actual public method get(Object key) which takes care of the casting. (The get(Object key) method is required for any TreeMap implementation.)

public V put(K key, V value)
Insert a (key, value) mapping into the map, ordered by its key.

If a mapping for this key already exists, the new value should replace the old value in the map.

The return value of put is the previous value for the key if there was one, or null if there was not.

Here is pseudo code for the method:

  1. If this TreeMap is empty, then add the (key, value) pair to the empty TreeMap, and then make it into a leaf and return it. In more detail, you should:
    1. Set the value of key
    2. Set the value of value
    3. Set the size of the tree to 1
    4. Set this.height to 0
    5. Set both left and right to be new empty MyTreeMaps (i.e., new MyTreeMap<K,V>())
    6. This is a base case, so you are done and can return null (since there is no previous value).
  2. If the key of this TreeMap is the key you are looking for, then update its value, and return the previous value.
  3. Otherwise,
    1. Call put(k, v) on the appropriate child.
    2. Save the value the child returns.
    3. Call restructure(this) if the tree is unbalanced.
    4. Call this.setHeight() to update the tree’s height.
    5. Recalculate your size by adding 1 to the sum of the size of your children.
    6. Return the saved value returned by the child.
private void restructure(MyTreeMap<K, V> node)
Rebalances the MyTreeMap rooted at node, if it is unbalanced.

The actual rotation is already implemented; that is, once it knows which subtrees need to be rotated, it will do it.

What you need to do is tell it which subtrees need to be rotated, by setting variables a, b, c, t1, t2, t3, and t4 to the appropriate TreeMaps. Once you’ve made these assignments, the provided code will return the tree with the final arrangement of

   /   \
  a     c
 / \    / \
t0 t1  t2 t3

As indicated by the diagram, you will need to fill in the variables such that a < b < c and t0 through t3 are their child trees, from left to right.

The first case is done for you (when the left child is the tallest, and its left child is the tallest); you need to implement the other three cases.

The rest of the restructure() method is already implemented for you.

Please refer to the warmup where you did practice rotations when figuring out how to assign the variables.

JUnit testing

For testing, you should create a class called MyTreeMapTest that thoroughly tests the new methods that you implemented. Be sure to try examples that will require calls to each of the various configurations of restructure(). I strongly suggest drawing out your examples by hand rather than just making them up in your head. Don’t forget about to test the case where you overwrite a value for an already-existing key.

Be thorough with your tests because you want this tree to be working before you proceed!